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Internship at the Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union in Brussels


The Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union regularly offers internship positions, giving preference to Saxon students of

  • law,
  • political science,
  • administration,
  • economics,
  • communications and
  • EU-related courses.

This must be a compulsory internship as defined by the study regulations. School students and graduates who have already completed their studies are unfortunately not able to undertake internships at the Representation of Saxony in Brussels.

An internship at the Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union in Brussels lasts two to three months. Due to the summer break at the EU institutions, internships from mid-July to the end of August are generally not possible, and are thus not offered. Your application should take this into account.

  • Spring internship from January to mid-July (application deadline: 30 September of the previous year)
  • Autumn internship from early September to mid-December (application deadline: 30 April of the current year)

Detailed applications include

  • A covering letter, stating the specific motivations and desired duration of stay at the Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union in Brussels,
  • A CV in table form with photograph (Europass standard) and full contact details (address, email address and telephone number),
  • A copy of your school-leaving examination certificate and other certificates (e.g. current academic transcript, language certificates (preferably English and French)),
  • Proof that this is a compulsory internship, e.g. through an excerpt from the study or examination regulations, and
  • References from other internships, stints abroad or EU-related skills, if applicable.

Please send your application – preferably by email with the subject »Internship« to: Ms Ute Freiberger (

or by post to:

Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union
Attn: Frau Ute Freiberger
Av. d'Auderghem/ Oudergemlaan 67
B-1040 Bruxelles

We expressly ask for applications to be sent by email, as applications by post can only be returned at your expense. If you would like this, please enclose a return envelope stamped for Europe with your documents. All application letters will be duly destroyed at the end of the application process.
Due to the high demand and limited number of internship positions, we recommend applying as early as possible. You will receive a confirmation of receipt by email. Please understand that applications take 4 to 6 weeks to process. Personal application interviews are not generally conducted.

During an internship at the Representation of the Free State of Saxony to the European Union, students are familiarised with EU-policy work and decision-making processes in Brussels, and gain extensive insights into how the Free State of Saxony's interests are represented. The internships also serve to provide support to staff on site. Interns are thus supervised by one of the desk officers from the Representation. The work primarily consists of the following tasks:

  • Researching the activities of the EU institutions
  • Accompanying desk officers/independently participating in meetings held by the European Parliament, Council work groups and regional committees
  • Reporting and, if necessary, composing annotations on European institution projects, particularly the European Commission's legislation project
  • Attending events/workshops run by the European Commission, political foundations, associations, other state representative offices and regional offices, the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany etc.
  • Helping organise and run events held by the Saxony Liaison Office in Brussels
  • Compiling articles for the newsletter »Europa-News for Saxony«
  • Special tasks based on each individual intern's skills and knowledge

The internship is unpaid. It is unfortunately not possible to pay interns any remuneration or cover their accommodation and food expenses. In some cases, however, you may be awarded a grant. Please contact your university's international office regarding this.

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